A Midsummer Night's Dream
Sep 29th - Oct 7th, 2023
"The course of true love never did run smooth..."; especially when it's mixed up with misguided parents, meddling fairies, mis-applied love potions, and a half-man / half-donkey / 100% fool. Immerse yourself in William Shakespeare's hilarious rom-com of mis-matched lovers and feuding fairies!
- September 29, Fri 8pm
- September 30, Sat 8pm
- October 1, Sun 2pm
- October 5, Thr 10am (a student matinee)
- October 5, Thr 7:30pm
- October 6, Fri 10am (a student matinee)
- October 6, Fri 8pm
- October 7, Sat 8pm
Robert G. Reim Theater
at the Kirkwood Community Center
111 S. Geyer Road
Kirkwood, MO 63122
Ample free parking is available on the lot adjoining the Auditorium.
The venue is wheelchair accessible.
$25 General Admission
$23 Seniors age 65 and up
$20 Students age 25 and under with an ID
$20 Teachers with an ID
Tickets for the student matinees:
$10 per student
For every 15 students, one adult receives a free ticket.
To make a reservation, email boxoffice@stlshakespeare.org.
- The Court
- THESEUS - Mike Stephens
- HIPPOLYTA - Lexy Witcher
- The Lovers
- HERMIA - Molly Stout
- DEMETRIUS - Jordan Duncan
- HELENA - Rhiannon Creighton
- LYSANDER - Noah Laster
- The Mechanicals
- QUINCE - Mark Kelley
- BOTTOM - Fox Smith
- FLUTE - Luis Castro
- STARVELING - Laurell Stevenson
- SNOUT - Dan Higgins
- SNUG - Riley Stevio
- The Fairies
- TITANIA - Jodi Stockton and Bryce A. Miller
- OBERON - Chuck Brinkley and Stephanie Merritt
- PUCK - Tielere Cheatem
- PEASEBLOSSOM - Ebony Easter
- MOTH - Remi Mark
- BOY - Samuel Rios-Kelley